Yard Drainage Solutions

Our team at J.D. Johnson Waterproofing offers permanent solutions for yard drainage problems in Northern Ohio


Solving yard drainage problems is one of the many ways our team at J.D. Johnson Waterproofing can help you keep water away from your foundation. If water is pooling near your foundation, you could face water seepage, settlement, and other foundation and basement issues. Our team has solutions to keep the water flowing in the right direction (away from your home). By ensuring your gutters, downspouts, and window wells are draining properly we can help you keep your home dry. 

Moisture buildup in your lawn is never a good thing. This water will eventually enter the water table and seep into your basement through the cove joint or wall and floor cracks. In addition, excess groundwater increases the pressure on your foundation walls, causing bowed, leaning, and cracked basement walls. 

If you have water pooling in your yard or are concerned with waterproofing issues caused by standing water against your foundation, we can help. Contact our team today for a free estimate on yard drainage solutions for your home. 

Common Yard Drainage Problems

Effective yard drainage protects your home’s foundation and sump pump system. Two common issues are water accumulation near the foundation and frozen sump pump discharge lines. Both can lead to serious structural and flooding problems if not addressed properly. Here’s what causes these problems and why they threaten your property.

Water Accumulation Near Your Foundation

Water accumulation around your foundation is caused by improper grading and soil erosion underneath your downspouts. Dumping large amounts of water near your foundation causes your sump pump to run excessively, which could cause burnout or other sump pump issues. In addition, this water can cause the underlying soil to move unevenly which could lead to structural problems that require foundation repair

Water Buildup Near Foundation

Sump Pump Discharge Line Frozen

During the cold winters in Ohio your sump pump could face serious problems. A frozen discharge line will cause water from your sump pump system to come back into the sump basin. This can increase electricity bills and burn out your sump pump. 

In addition, this can lead to a mechanical failure of your sump pump from overuse which will cause water to flood your basement. 

Frozen Sump Pump Lines Ohio

Our Yard Drainage Solutions

While the causes of yard drainage can vary from home to home, there are a few products and methods that we have successfully used over the years that can improve the overall drainage that is happening on your property.

Downspout Extensions

Installing a system of above-ground or underground downspout extensions can help ensure water is not pooling against your foundation. These systems attach to your existing downspouts and control the water flow to a safe area away from your home. The systems we install will remain clog-free and help reduce erosion in your lawn. 

Downspout Extensions

Contact Us for Yard Drainage Solutions In Northern Ohio

If you have waterproofing problems our team at J.D. Johnson Waterproofing can help. We offer professional yard drainage solutions for home and business owners across Northern Ohio. Trust our experts today to help you keep your home free from water and foundation damage.. Contact our experts today at 330-777-4795, or fill out our online contact form to schedule an appointment.